Thursday, April 16, 2020

Identity : Expedition Unknown

The Journey

We all come across this state of confusion when becomes really necessary to realize the importance of our existence and to find out what really we are, So whatever you you say but even you don't know yourself and that's why I am Here.

So What you think u are  I am not talking about your name or any Identity details actually  these things really don't  play any part in this Expedition you see all these things come with a temporary status and can  be easily changed but about your inner Self can anyone change it too?? Well i don't think so cause all these things are given to you by nature and your Psycho-physical   type which is your uniqueness. I know what you are thinking another counselling session kind of thing but just for the sake off all you have read till now please take a moment and try to realize what is the reason behind things going wrong with you   for example---
  • Someone you failed to understand 
  • Something you failed to achieve
  • Even many things you even failed to notice that went wrong
  • The things which you even don't want to discuss with anyone
Yes, all these things are common in everyone that's why they are written here but are you lucky enough that above things don't jump right out of your memory or careless enough that you don't even feel like realizing such small things. 

OK , let's move further if you are still reading I am sure you've got something to clear right?? So now ask yourself a question have you ever noticed something that directly jumped out of you naturally and you never did or felt something like that?? Even all that can't be told right now but for now I think you've got a clear Idea what you are really looking for, So go ahead rewind all of your memories whatever you have about yourself and try to put all this at a new prospective and try to see the difference now between those  what you have now and what you had Before.

Well that's all for now it's just a beginning and this is the time you should start Because ---

" It's better to start on something with uncertainty 
rather than Vaguely thinking of a certain end "

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